I can save Wordperfect (or Clarisworks WP documents) to RTFs to the shared folder and they open up just fine in Word 2011. Neither Clarisworks nor Wordperfect sees them. It doesn't matter if I put them in the Desktop folder or copy them to folders on the main volume. More peculiarly, RTF files transferred over to the emulator desktop are often invisible to applications running on the emulator. I have yet to be able to open a single RTF file created from Word 2011 (running in High Sierra) without it crashing.

The more irritating of the two is the emulator freezing or crashing when I try to open RTF files (in Clarisworks 5.0 for example). The emulator runs Mac OS 9.0.4 nicely but I've encountered two problems with it so far.

I'm new to SheepShaver, which I've installed to access some old files that typically just show up as Unix files in OSX.